A winter power outage is one of the most inconvenient and dangerous things that can happen. You cannot only go about your daily activities as usual, but you are also at risk of freezing if you do not have a backup heat source. A winter power outage survival kit, unfortunately, will not keep you and your family warm. Winter power outages are especially dangerous because they are one of the most common times for the electrical grid to fail. This article will look at generators, transfer switches, and surge protection. Each of these elements is required to properly prepare for a winter power outage.
Install a generator
Travel to your winter vacation, family holiday gathering, or wherever your journey takes you. You will not return home to a disaster caused by a power outage that you were unaware of or could not prevent. An automatic home backup generator will maintain power even if you are not at home.
A whole house generator is the most reliable option if you're wondering how to stay warm during a winter power outage. They have enough power to keep your furnace, water heater, dryer, and anything else you want running. The most important thing is to get one that is large enough to meet your needs while keeping you safe. Consult a local electrician to determine the appropriate generator size for your home.
Maintain your generators
Generators, like most appliances, are only as good as the care you give them. Generators are durable and dependable machines, but they must be serviced on a regular basis. To ensure everything is working properly, you should perform regular oil changes, power checks, and practice runs. The last thing you want is a power outage, followed by the discovery that your generator isn't working.
House surge protection
Today, many household appliances, such as ovens, washing machines, and dryers, as well as sound systems, computers, and even LED lighting, contain electronic components with circuit boards. As a result, it is critical to protect them with surge protection. Your home is vulnerable to power surges during the winter and summer rainstorms, but power spikes can occur over any wire. We generate eighty percent of the surges. Whole-house surge protection shields your devices from any damage caused by surges inside the house.
Manual or Automatic transfer switch
When having your generator installed, one of the most important factors to consider is whether you want a manual or automatic transfer switch. When the main power goes out, a transfer switch transfers the power supply to your generator. Your whole house generator is nothing more than a big piece of metal sitting in the cold without a transfer switch.
What is Automatic transfer switch?
An automatic transfer switch (ATS) is a device that automatically switches a power supply from its primary source to a backup source when the primary source fails or goes down. When a primary power system fails, the ATS activates a standby power source, such as an uninterruptible power supply. An ATS can also activate longer-term backup power systems, such as local diesel generators, to keep electric equipment running until utility power is restored.
What is Manual transfer switch?
A manual transfer switch connects the electrical circuits of the house to the generator. You can use it to activate backup power during a power outage. Any appliances connected to the circuit will operate on backup power until power is restored. The manual transfer switch can be used both inside and outside.
A typical transfer sequence includes:
1. The normal utility power source fails.
2. The transfer switch shifts the load to the emergency power source when power from the generator or backup utility feed is stable and within prescribed voltage and frequency tolerances. The transfer process is self-acting or manually-initiated depending on a facility’s needs and preferences.
3. When utility power is restored, the transfer switch returns the load from the emergency power source to the normal power source. The retransfer process is self-acting or manually initiated.
Request for Professional Assistance
If you're ready to take the next step in preparing for a winter power outage, send us a message. We can handle all aspects of your electrical needs. We'll assist you in selecting the appropriate size generator for your home, installing and maintaining it, and ensuring that your electrical system is prepared for the next major storm. Visit us online at www.advancedelectricinc.co to schedule an appointment.